Bella Body has been a life saver!!
It has challenged me in ways I didn’t think it would have. I signed up thinking that I was going to loose weight and have this beautiful body!
A beautiful body indeed, but I already had it.. a ‘Better body is what I received as a result of engaging into the program.
Taking the 9 week course taught me that it’s not about the body only, but, the mind set and your soul!
Two traits I received as I took the course that I desperately needed and prayed for were discipline and consistency!! My vision board listed for me to become more disciplined and consistent with my prayer life because I wanted to get closer to God and build a one on one relationship with Him as my Faith got stronger. Bella Body did that for me through the daily journaling, meditating on scriptures and praying! It was really tough at first, I could ‘my get my routine together or stick with it for all the distractions, but I kept going because I wanted this and desperately needed this! I know a program like this could only come from God because of the results you get at the end..,
- Deeper Faith
- A consistent prayer life
- New mind set
- Realization that a beautiful body physically is just the result of a beautiful mind and soul… they all work together …. A complete Trinity!!
For where your Mind goes, your body will follow.
Therefore, your soul prospers in peace and tranquility as you embrace your authentic self!
- You become in tune with the right foods for your body
- The right friends for your soul
- The right exercises that bring your enjoyment
- You start trusting God more
- You become free!!!
Bella Body has indeed been a Blessing!!